Thursday, January 21, 2016

League of Legends Season 6 has Started!

Alas, it's finally arrived! Joy to the world, for season 6 of League of Legends has begun, ushering in a whole new year of competition, exciting twists and turns, and new champions!

Actually, I don't really care. League has a special place in my heart, being probably my most played game in the last five years, but there's no real magic or notability to the game anymore. And you're probably wondering now, "Then Jack, why are you making a post about it if you don't care?"

And that's a valid point, because I don't really know myself. I'm just gonna keep writing though. I can't stop.

Riot actually did a lot of cool things with League in Season 5, with a lot of champion updates and reworks, including Gangplank, Kog'Maw, Skarner, Mordekaiser, Darius, Quinn, Graves, and probably more, that's just off the top of my head. These include both ability reworks and visual updates. Not to mention other things like minor changes to a bunch of other champions, new maps like Poro King, and a look at redesigning the champion select screen (which still hasn't been implemented, so maybe this doesn't count.) Honestly, it's been a pretty impressive year for Riot.

With only one game to worry about, it's not really any surprise Riot can release such a good amount of content, especially when compared to other companies who do practically null across all of the games they manage.

The problem is, League just doesn't have the same allure it used to, and I honestly don't think I'm alone in feeling that way either. It seems as though the growth of the game has slowed, especially if you look at the boom happening around three years ago, when the game was expanding so fast Riot barely had time to go to the server store to handle the extra player load.

Not making a big write-up out of this, if anything it's more an announcement. I'll keep playing the occasional game of league, and as always you can find me with the summoner name killerskink. I'm passively optimistic about what season 6 will bring after the myriad of things Riot was able to accomplish in season 5, so let's all wait with mildly bated breath!


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